The safe Birth - Do we need midwifes?
This film is exploring some of the profound questions concerning birth:
1. What makes birth safe?
2. How can it be disturbed?
3. What the consequences of the intervention for the mother, the child birth progress and even society?
4. can we as human race survive medical technique?
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Donation aim: The safe Birth Documentary
To give you an idea how complex this subject is and how important:
here a 12 min. video with exerps of our research interviews from the midwifery congress in Hannover 2014.
The film „The safe Birth“ follows the physiological birth.
It shows how complex birth is from the moment the child gives the signal to be ready to be born.
The film shows how the neuro-endocrine system works in a physiological birth and how disturbing this process can lead to bad outcomes and physiological birth is a very safe program we have in our reptile brain.
The film shows how a healthy pregnancy leads into a natural birth if the woman gives birth self-determined and when as less interventions as necessary are done.
Based on empirical findings the film will show what kind of backup a women needs to give birth in a healthy way for both her and her child.
„Currently in Austria and Germany less than 5% of women give birth without any obstetric intervention although considering the given circumstances at least 95% of the women could give birth naturally and without any help or intervention. In only 5% of births is obstetric help actually needed.
What 90% of women are told is medical relief to help the birth,
is not only unnecessary but risky and harmful.
(Excerpt A. Rockenschaub, Gebären ohne Aberglauben (Birth without superstition, editorial annotation ),
Facultas Universitätsverlag, Wien, 2005, 3rd Edition, S.1)
Prof. Dr. Alfred Rockenschaub chair of Ignaz Semmelweis Frauenklinik in Vienna from 1965 to 1985
with a C-section rate of around 1% in during this period
To leave no doubt: we want to point out that emercency medecine, C-Sections and intensive care are a blessning for those who need it.
We hope the film could be an impulse to refrech the education of obstetricians and midwives after latest science evidence and and change when needed.
We want the film to become in best case a standart reference that shows the actual scientific knowledge.
It should be an easy-to-find and established information for future parents, midwives and obstetricians.
We hope politicians get well informed to find the best solutions.
Best Regards,
Carola Hauck and Hans-Peter Eckardt
Main Sponsor:
Verein für Achtsamkeit in Osterloh e.V.
Dorothee Goller - Remscheid
Beratungsstelle für Natürliche Geburt und Elternsein e.V. - München
Susanna Roth, Hebamme - München
Ganzheitliche Geburtsvorbereitung mit HypnoBirthing - Basel
Netzwerk der Geburtshäuser e.V.
Katharina Reinhard
furthermore the project is supported by:
Ulrike and Joachim Lichtenberg, Tübingen
Willi Maurer, Aranno, Schweiz
Carola Hauck
Nördliche Auffahrtsallee 21
80638 München
Mail: info[ at ]
Büro: +49 (0)89 1570 48 58
Mobil: +49 (0)163 470 77 87
Skype: anmemonefilm